Home Tools Craft your value proposition


Once you’ve understood your target market and adapted your offerings to meet target audience needs, the next step is to grab their attention. This is where a clear and compelling value proposition plays a crucial role. 

Your value proposition is a concise statement that communicates the unique benefits and value that your product or service offers to your users, distinguishing it from competitors. It should clearly convey these benefits and why users should choose you over your competitors. This is vital because your value proposition is the first thing potential users will encounter on your homepage. It plays a key role in convincing potential buyers to engage with your content.

In a market filled with various evidence creators, crafting a unique value proposition is essential to capture the attention of your target audience, demonstrate how you can meet their needs, and ensure your services align with what they seek. Make sure your value proposition is prominently displayed on your homepage and at all major entry points on your website.

Developing a strong value statement also helps ensure that your offerings align with user needs and positions you effectively within the evidence creator ecosystem.

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Structure of a Value Proposition

A value proposition can take different forms; however, three key components that can elevate how you communicate your value proposition to your users are the headline statement, a subheader to provide additional details, and a visual to capture your audience’s attention.2 Click on the different elements of the image below to understand how to strengthen your value proposition across each of these components.


Evaluate Your Current Value Proposition
Take a moment to evaluate your current value statement. In the next steps you will be guided through the steps to write a proposition that establishes your strengths. See for yourself if there are areas for improvement!

Use the following questions as guides:


Is the header clear and concise? It can be creative, but clarity is the priority. 


Is sub-header using running text or bullet points to elaborate on your products and services and which problem they solve.

Visual Aid

Is there any visual aid that you can use? A video, infographic, or image that is specific to your content and emotionally engaging for the target audience?

Do’s and Don’ts in Crafting Your Value Proposition

A value proposition can take different forms; however, three key components that can elevate how you communicate your value proposition to your users are the headline statement, a subheader to provide additional details, and a visual to capture your audience’s attention.2 Click on the different elements of the image below to understand how to strengthen your value proposition across each of these components.

Avoid jargon, superlatives, and stock images in your value proposition.

In creating value propositions, we avoid:

  • Using jargon or complicated language
  • Using superlatives (“best”) and hype (“never seen before”)
  • Using a generic stock image as your visual

Write a clear, concise, and visually appealing value proposition that resonates with the users quickly.

In creating value propositions, we try to:

  • Use clear and simple language
  • Make the header creative and engaging
  • Ensure the value statement can be read and understood in about 5 seconds
  • Showcase a clear understanding of district buyer needs
  • Include a meaningful visual


Ineffective Value Proposition

  • 01 The use of “alchemy” and “magic” does not relate with the b
  • 02 Sub-header text creates confusion and doesn’t convey the audience, the challenge or the product nature.
  • 03 Text is hardly visible due to the full image in the background

Ineffective Value Proposition

  • 01 Header is clear and simple and value statement is communicated within seconds.
  • 02 Utilizing simple language and bullet points in the sub-header, we outline our primary audience and highlight what sets us apart from others.
  • 03 The image supports the message and does not interfer in the text readability.

Do’s and Don’ts



Use clear and simple language


Make the header creative and engaging


Ensure the value statement can be read and understood in about 5 seconds


Showcase a clear understanding of district buyer needs


Include a meaningful visual



Use jargon or complicated language


Use superlatives (“best”) and hype (“never seen before”)


Use a generic stock image as your visual

Tool Quiz

Let’s test your knowledge through an hypothetical situation.

Imagine you work for a company that provides audio books and want to create a value statement for them. Look at the suggested headlines, subheaders and images and choose which one you think is the best choice. Once you have clicked on it, you will be provided with feedback on why your choice was correct or not.

  1. Choose the Best Header 

    a. Everything you want to hear is here
    b. New Audiobooks every month
    c. Listen. Learn. Discover.
  2. Choose the Best Subheader

    a. Our vast selection of the newest and best audiobooks is guaranteed to excite you. Only here do you have access to one of the largest online libraries of audiobooks. 
    b. Listen to audiobooks by selecting your favorite titles from our library.
    c. Members get to pick a title every month, including best sellers and new releases. And you have access to the Plus Catalogue – unlimited listening to thousands of selected titles.
  3. What would be the best visual aid? 

    a. A person listening to music on their phone
    b. A library of various music albums
    c. A video of a computer a notebook and glasses

Tool Quiz – Answers

Let’s test your knowledge through an hypothetical situation.

Imagine you work for a company that provides audio books and want to create a value statement for them. Look at the suggested headlines, subheaders and images and choose which one you think is the best choice. Once you have clicked on it, you will be provided with feedback on why your choice was correct or not.

  1. Choose the Best Header 

    a. Everything you want to hear is here
    This is the best header! The header tells you that the service provided is access to audiobooks you can listen to in one place.
    b. New Audiobooks every month
    This header is ok, but not ideal. While it is factual and includes the most important information on the product, it is not very creative or catchy.
    c. Listen. Learn. Discover.
    This is not an ideal header. It does not contain any information about what the actual product is and is very generic and unclear.?
  2. Choose the Best Subheader

    a. Our vast selection of the newest and best audiobooks is guaranteed to excite you. Only here do you have access to one of the largest online libraries of audiobooks.
    This is not ideal, it includes too many superlatives and hyper language and is not specific enough about what a customer can actually expect.
    b. Listen to audiobooks by selecting your favorite titles from our library.
    This is not ideal, it does not contain enough information about what sets the service apart and how exactly the service works.
    c. Members get to pick a title every month, including best sellers and new releases. And you have access to the Plus Catalogue – unlimited listening to thousands of selected titles.
    Yes, this is correct! The text contains information about the key products/services offered including the specific value of membership to customers
  3. What would be the best visual aid? 

    a. A person listening to music on their phone
    Yes, this is correct! It includes a photo specific to the service (someone listening to something on their phone)
    b. A library of various music albums
    This is not ideal, it does not capture the essence of the product and does not allow the user to emotionally connect with you  or your product
    c. A video of a computer a notebook and glasses
    This is not ideal, it is a generic stock photo that does not tell you anything specific about the product

Craft a Value Proposition

In order to craft your value proposition, it is important to first understand what district buyers are looking for. This is an essential prerequisite for drafting a powerful value statement. While you can draft a value statement without this step, understanding the needs of district buyers is the key to generating real value for them. To ensure you’re well-prepared for this step, please take the following actions:

Preliminary Research

Conduct initial research or gather data about your target audience to get a clearer picture of their demographics, preferences, and pain points.


Once you’ve gathered preliminary information, brainstorm and make a list of your target users and their unique needs.


Brainstorm Using These Questions
To guide your brainstorming, try answering the following questions


Who are my target users?


What are their needs?

Do you need help to answer the questions?

This tool can help gain a better perspective of who your users are

Once you have articulated your target audience and developed an understanding of their needs, you can take the following three-pronged approach to crafting your value proposition. Click on each step for a detailed description of the steps you will take.

Steps to Craft a Value Proposition


Define the benefits of your services

Think about all your products and services and list the benefits that users can derive from each.


Link benefits to your users’ main challenges

Think about which challenges your users experience and how each product/service you offer address these.


Differentiate your products/services

Think about your specific area of expertise. Consider the features, attributes, or aspects that make your offering different from others in the market.

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Step 01 – Define the Benefits of Your Services

To craft a compelling value proposition, you must first clearly define the benefits of your service. This means thinking about how your service can help your target users to solve their problems, achieve their goals, or improve their lives in some way.

One way to identify the benefits of your service is to brainstorm a list of all the things that your service can do. Once you have a list, start to group similar items together and identify the overarching benefits that they represent. For example, if your service helps users to save time, improve their productivity, and reduce stress, you might group these benefits together under the overall benefit of “increased efficiency.”


Define the services you offer
Use the brainstorming template to complete the exercise or follow along. Answer the following questions and ground your responses in the identified target audience and their needs from the previous step.


What products/ services do I offer?


How can I group the different products/services that I offer?


How does this benefit my users?

Step 03 – Find Your Differentiator


Find your Differentiator
Use the brainstorming template to complete the exercise or follow along. Answer the following questions and ground your responses in the identified target audience and their needs from the previous step.


What makes my product/service unique?


Why should users choose me compared to other competitors? 

Step 04 – Give it a structure

To create a value proposition from the information explored above, you need to synthesize the key points into a short, clear, and succinct statements. Use the prompts below to design your value proposition based on the information in the previous section .


Write your Value Statement
Use the brainstorming template to complete the exercise or follow along. Answer the following questions and ground your responses in the identified target audience and their needs from the previous step.


What makes my product/service unique?


Why should users choose me compared to other competitors? 

  • Use the information you gathered through the steps.
  • Fill the gaps in the following template.


Step 05 – Evaluate your statement

Lastly, evaluate your statements to corroborate if you are on the right track by using the checklists below.

Value Proposition FORMAT Checklist

It is Clear

It uses simple language and purpose and goals are effectively communicated.

It is Concise

Succinctly explain your goals in less than 50 words – be straight and to the point

It is Easy to Understand

It is inspiring, informative, and memorable for the reader.

It is Catchy

It uses simple language and purpose and goals are effectively cmmunicated.

Evaluate your value statement by looking at it from your users’ perspective. Go through the checklist and make sure a user can answer all of these questions from looking at your value proposition:

Value Proposition content Checklist

What product or service is your company selling?

What is the end-benefit of using it?

Who is your target customer for this product or service?

What makes your offering unique and different?

Download Checklist


Crafting a compelling value proposition, a concise statement highlighting your product or service’s unique benefits, distinguishes you from competitors. This statement, being the initial interaction point for potential users, significantly impacts their decision to engage with your content. Understanding your target audience enables you to align your offerings with their needs, allowing you to tailor your value proposition to resonate with their experiences. This personalized approach increases the likelihood that users will recognize the value in engaging with your products or services.

Key Takeaways

  • Define the benefits of your services by listing the advantages users can gain. 
  • Connect these benefits to users’ main challenges, demonstrating how each product or service addresses specific issues. 
  • Differentiate your offerings by emphasizing your unique expertise and highlighting distinctive features.

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² Coleman, Basha. “How to Write a Great Value Proposition [7 Top Examples + Template].” HubSpot Blog, April 13, 2023.

  • Coleman, B. (2023, April 13). How to Write a Great Value Proposition. HubSpot.
  • Laja, P. (2022, December 16). Unique Value Proposition: How to Create a UVP (With 7 Examples). CXL.
  • Cote, C. (2020, July 28). How to Create an Effective Value Proposition. Harvard Business School Online